The Elder Scrolls: Legends beta launches today
Bethesda has today announced that beta registration is now open for The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a free to play card game based on the Elder Scrolls series.
Bethesda has today announced that beta registration is now open for The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a free to play card game based on the Elder Scrolls series.
Get ready to dive into hell as Bethesda has announced a Doom open beta, which will run from April 15-18, and post-launch premium DLC.
Fallout 4 fans get ready for some new content, as Bethesda has released details for the first three pieces of Fallout 4 DLC.
Bethesda has announced that DOOM will be released on Friday the 13th (May) for PC, PS4 and XBOne.
ZeniMax Online has announced that the next DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will be called "Thieves Guild".
It's that time of the year again as it's time for SG Gaming Info to announce its top 5 games of 2015.
SG Gaming Info releases a new Let's Talk video. In this new video SG Gaming Info talks about the bugs and issues in Fallout 4.
SG Gaming Info reviews Bethesda Studios' Fallout 4 and asks the question does the game live up to its hype.
Fallout 4 fans on iOS and Android devices rejoice, as Bethesda has released Fallout C.H.A.T., a brand new free keyboard app that turns adds a little Fallout to your texting.
In preparation for Fallout 4, Bethesda has announced that they have teamed up with Carlsberg UK to produce Fallout BEER.
Bethesda continues their series Fallout 4 educational style videos on character attributes with two new videos discussing intelligence and agility. Check out the videos below.
To get ready for Fallout 4, Bethesda is currently releasing educational videos regarding your characters seven attributes: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.
It is now time for Android users to become vault overseers, as Bethesda's Fallout Shelter is now available for free on Google Play for Android devices.
It's time to kill demons on Mars again as Bethesda has announced that Doom will be released in spring 2016. The game will also release will an impressive editing tool.
Fallout 4 wasn't the only Fallout announcement by Bethesda today, as the company announced Fallout Shelter, a strategy mobile game were you control a vault and its occupants.