SGGAMINGINFO » Tales of Xillia SGGAMINGINFO » Tales of Xillia

SG Gaming Info’s Top 5 games of 2013

You learned SG Gaming Info’s game of the year earlier this month, but what is the site's other top games of 2013. The five games that are on the list are games that I personally enjoyed.

25th Dec
top 5 games of 2013

SG Gaming Info’s 2013 Game of the Year

It has being a great year for gamers with so many wonderful games, but what game will take home the crown of SG Gaming Info’s 2013 Game of the Year?

11th Dec
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Tales of Xillia Discovery Edition now available on PlayStation Network

Namco Bandai has released Tales of Xillia Discovery Edition on the PlayStation Network. This new edition will include the game Tales of Xillia and a large number of DLCs for €69.99.

28th Nov

Tales of Xillia gets more DLC costumes

Namco Bandai Games’ Tales of Xillia is has received new DLC costumes in the form of ‘School Uniforms’ and ‘Tribute to Tales series’ DLC. Each DLC costume set has six costumes, with each costume costing €2.99 each. There is no bundle deal available.

05th Sep

Tales of Xillia review

SG Gaming Info takes a look at the latest western released ‘Tales of’ game, Tales of Xillia. Is the latest ‘Tales of’ game a fun and memorable experience or is it a game that people will find boring and uninteresting. Check out the review below to find out.

29th Aug

Tales of Xillia 2 to be released in Europe and N. America next year

With Tales of Xillia still a month away, Namco Bandai Games has announced that Tales of Xillia 2 will be released in Europe and N. America for the PlayStation 3 in 2014.

08th Jul

Wish for hope in the brand new Tales of Xillia trailer

Namco Bandai has today released a brand new Tales of Xillia trailer. The new trailer titled, “Wishes of Hope”, talks how the relationship between Man and Spirit is damaging the balance of the world.

07th Jun
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Tales of Xillia show off Leia’s and Rowen’s combat ability

Namco Bandai has released two new Tales of Xillia battle showcase videos. These videos focus on the fighting talent of Leia and Rowen.

29th May
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Take a look back at 15 years of the “Tales of” series

Namco Bandai has released a special anniversary trailer celebrating 15 years of the “Tales of” series. The trailer gives fans a brief look at all the European released “Tales of” games, from Tales of Symphonia to the upcoming Tales of Xillia.

27th May
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Tales of Xillia gets a release date and a collector’s edition

Yesterday, Namco Bandai has announced that the JRPG, Tales of Xillia will be released in Europe on August 9, 2013 for the PlayStation 3. Namco Bandai also announced the game’s Collector’s Edition.

12th Apr

Meet the protagonists of Tales of Xillia

Namco Bandai has released character bios and screenshots for the upcoming game, Tales of Xillia. The character bios are for the games main protagonists Jude Mathis and Milla Maxwell.

22nd Mar

Tales of Xillia to be released in five different languages

Namco Bandai has announced that the European release of ‘Tales of Xillia’ will have support for up to five languages as the game will feature Spanish, Italian, German, French, and English subtitles.

08th Nov
Tales of Xillia

A collection of new Tales of Xillia screenshots

8947Milla_illustration_fixNamco Bandai has released a selection of Tales of Xillia screenshots during their EU tour. The screenshots show of two of the games character Jude and Milla.

10th Jul
A collection of new Tales of Xillia screenshots

Namco Bandai bringing Tales of Xillia to Europe

Tales_of_Xillia_JP_boxartAt this year’s Japan Expo Namco Bandai has revealed that Tales of Xillia will be coming to Europe in 2013 exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

06th Jul
Namco Bandai bringing Tales of Xillia to Europe