Square Enix announce October DLC for Sleeping Dogs
Square Enix has announced a collection of DLC to be available for Sleeping Dogs this October. The DLC will range from free community gift packs to story driven content.
Square Enix has announced a collection of DLC to be available for Sleeping Dogs this October. The DLC will range from free community gift packs to story driven content.
Forza Motorsport 4’s twelfth car pack DLC is now out called the “September Pennzoil Car Pack” and it contains 11 new cars and it will cost Xbox 360 owners 560 Microsoft Points.
High Moon Studios has revealed the latest DLC for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron called “Dinobot Destructor Pack”. The new multiplayer DLC will allow players to customise their transformer with Dinobot body parts.
The fourth and final map pack collection for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 called ‘Final Assault’. The new map contains five new multiplayer maps; the pack will be available September 6th for the Xbox 360.
The latest Mass Effect 3 DLC called Mass Effect 3: Leviathan is now out for Xbox 360 users, PS3 and PC users will be able to play the new DLC tomorrow.
Today, Rockstar games have announced the free Disorganized Crime Pack DLC for Max Payne 3. The new DLC will be released on all platforms on August 28th.
Nintendo has announced that classic NES games Donkey Kong Jr and NES Open Tournament Golf will be heading to Nintendo eShop this Thursday for 3DS users.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack is now available on Xbox Live for 1,200 MS points. The pack contains three new ‘face off’ maps, four new spec ops missions and a new Spec Ops mode.
More than a month after the Xbox 360, PC users can now purchase Dawnguard, the first add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim via Steam.
Bohemia Interactive has released its latest DLC for Arma 2 called ‘Army of the Czech Republic’ (A2: ACR) on their digital store.
Nintendo has announced its latest offerings for the Nintendo eShop. The new downloads include the classic Frogger for the Wii, Sparkle Snapshots 3D a photo editing software for the 3DS, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC plus other great games.
The Final Fantasy rhythm based game called Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is now out in Europe and PAL regions for the Nintendo 3DS. The game features over 70 musical scores from the Final Fantasy series.
Bioware has announced that the much anticipated Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC will be released on June 26. The free DLC will expand upon the game controversial ending.
The latest downloadable expansion pack for Battlefield 3 called Battlefield 3: Close Quarters is now out for PlayStation 3 users. The latest expansion focuses on the theme of close quarters indoor combat.
Bioware has today released the latest Mass Effect 3 DLC called Rebellion for free on all platforms. The free multiplayer pack comes with new a objective types, maps, classes and more.