
Bioware reveal early access date for SWTOR and new progression video

swtorscreenshot1On Friday Bioware revealed when the early game access to Star Wars: The Old Republic will be 5 days before release and released the Imperial agent progression video.

06th Nov
Bioware reveal early access date for SWTOR and new progression video

Bioware reveal latest Warzone for Star Wars: The Old Republic

voidstar_screenshot3Bioware have revealed the newest player vs player warzone for Star Wars: The Old Republic called Voidstar which is an assault styled game.

29th Oct
Bioware reveal latest Warzone for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars the Old Republic release date pushed forward and new trailer

swtorscreenshot1Some good news for potential European players of the upcoming mmorpg Star Wars the Old Republic the European release date has being pushed forward.

15th Oct
Star Wars the Old Republic release date pushed forward and new trailer

Mass Effect 3 co-op officially revealed

mass_effect_3_coopWell people speculated since the announcement of Mass Effect 3 whether or not it would have multiplayer and finally Bioware have revealed there will be co-op in the game.

12th Oct
Mass Effect 3 co-op officially revealed

Bioware asks you to choose your side in SWTOR

swtor_na_preorder_collectorsBioware have released a new video called “choose your side” which asks the question who is better the Jedi Knight or the Bounty Hunter in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

08th Oct
Bioware asks you to choose your side in SWTOR

Explore the Galaxy with SWTOR holonet

swtorscreenshot1Today, Bioware released a new addition to their holonet information page with a 3D interactive galactic map for the upcoming mmorpg Star Wars: The Old Republic.

01st Oct
Explore the Galaxy with SWTOR holonet

Bioware accidently send out SWTOR tester feedback email

swtor surveyEarly this morning an email was sent by Bioware for Star Wars: The Old Republic feedback was sent to all SWTOR forum members instead of just testers.

30th Sep
Bioware accidently send out SWTOR tester feedback email

EA opens Bioware Galway

swtorscreenshot1Today, EA has officially announced the opening of the new Bioware office in Galway, Ireland which will be used for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) customer service.

26th Sep
EA opens Bioware Galway

Star Wars: The Old Republic gets a launch date

Star Wars The Old Republic screenshotFinally it has being revealed, SWTOR has a release date. Those in North America will get it December 20, 2011 and Europe will get it December 22, 2011 and the monthly fee was also announced.

24th Sep
Star Wars: The Old Republic gets a launch date

SW:TOR could be delayed until 2012!

Star Wars The Old Republic screenshotA friend tipped me off to this article on IGN. Star Wars: The Old Republic could see a delay to 2012, EA has admitted.

23rd Sep
Star Wars The Old Republic screenshot

Introducing female Sheppard

The fan votes are in and now we have our female Sheppard...

29th Aug
Introducing female Sheppard

Bioware states when next round of invited go out for SW: TOR

Bioware have revealed when the next round of invites is going out...

29th Aug
Bioware states when next round of invited go out for SW: TOR

SWTOR will launch in waves

EA today confirmed to the website Gamasutra that Bioware’s upcoming MMO “Star...

20th Aug
SWTOR will launch in waves

SW: TOR introduce us to the wonderful game of Huttball

Bioware have shown of the latest PVP Warzone called Huttball for their...

20th Aug
SW: TOR introduce us to the wonderful game of Huttball

Star Wars The Old Republic Collector’s Edition details leaked

EA and Bioware’s highly anticipated mmorpg Star Wars: the Old Republic has...

20th Jul
Star Wars The Old Republic Collector’s Edition details leaked