
Bohemia Interactive announce Take on Mars

Last week during E3, Bohemia Interactive of Arma fame announced their latest game “Take on Mars”, the latest game in the “Take On” series. This new game has you exploring Mars as a rover operator.

17th Jun
Take on Mars

Metal Gear Solid V Extended E3 trailer released

Konami has released an extended version of the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain E3 trailer. The ingame trailer shows off the game’s FOX Engine and the game’s brand new features which include real-time weather.

14th Jun

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn coming to PlayStation 4

Square Enix has announced that their MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will be released on the PlayStation 4 in 2014.

13th Jun

PlayStation 4 indie trailers

From Super Giant’s Transistor to 17-bit’s Galak-Z, here are the E3 trailers for some of the indie games appearing on the PlayStation 4. Please note that the footage in the trailer may not be from the PS4 footage of said game.

13th Jun

Get a first look at Final Fantasy XV’s combat system

Square Enix has released some gameplay footage of the newly announced next-gen title, Final Fantasy XV. The gameplay in the video shows that the game will have action combat rather than the usual turn based combat.

12th Jun
Final Fantasy XV logo

Kingdom Hearts III announced

Final Fantasy XV wasn't the only big announcement by Square-Enix at E3, as the company announced that they are developing Kingdom Hearts III, the next core sequel in the Kingdom Hearts series.

12th Jun
kingdom hearts 3 logo

Square Enix announces Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy XV during yesterdays PlayStation E3 2013 Press conference. FFXV was originally called Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

11th Jun
Final Fantasy XV logo

New Super Smash Bros. features three new characters

Today Nintendo announced Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS, via the Nintendo E3 Direct video. During and after the announcement, Nintendo revealed three new playable characters, Capcom’s Megaman, villager from Animal Crossing, and the Wii Fit Trailer from Wii Fit.

11th Jun

Respawn show Titanfall gameplay for the first time at E3

Ever since Vince Zampella and Jason West (Jason has since left Respawn) announced they founded Respawn Entertainment everyone wanted to know what game the founder of Infinity Ward would make. Now we have out answer, it is Titanfall, a sci-fi mech game.

11th Jun

PlayStation release used game instruction video

Not long after the PlayStation E3 press conference finished, PlayStation released a “Used Game Instructional Video”. The video was primarily made as a light hearted swipe at the Xbox One used game restrictions.

11th Jun

Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster E3 2013 trailer and screens

Square Enix has released an E3 2013 trailer and screenshots for “Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster”. The HD Remaster will be available in 2013 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

11th Jun
final fantasy x and x-2 E3 2013 screens

Sony unveils the PS4, games and price at E3 2013

E3 press conferences are usually considered boring affairs by many, but I think you will be hard pressed to find anyone left bored by PlayStation E3 press conference. PS unveiled the PS4, tons of game, a price and took a few swipes at Xbox One.

11th Jun

Plants Vs Zombies becomes a third person shooter with Garden Warfare

During today’s EA E3 2013 press conference, PopCap Games has announced, Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare, a third person action game for Xbox One and Xbox 360.

11th Jun

Celebrate the release date of the Xbox One with a new Xbox 360 design

Microsoft has today announced a new Xbox 360 design. The new design is based off Microsoft’s upcoming console, Xbox One.

11th Jun

Microsoft talks Xbox Live Gold benefits for Xbox One

Microsoft has shown off the in-game editing with Game DVR and Upload Studio, Twitch integration and more.

11th Jun