
FIFA 13 at E3 2012

FIFA13_Messi_avoids_tackle_WMEA Sport’s popular football game FIFA 13 made an appearance at E3 2012 showing off its new Kinect feature and EA Sports Football Club.

06th Jun
FIFA 13 at E3 2012

Splinter Cell: Blacklist brings back the spy

splintecellblacklistUbisoft has officially revealed Splinter Cell: Blacklist at today’s Microsoft’s E3 press conference. Check out the demo below.

04th Jun
Splinter Cell: Blacklist brings back the spy

Dragon Ball Z for Kinect trailer shows an interesting game

3962411Namco Bandai have released the first trailer for Dragon Ball Z for Kinect and it gives a lesser than stellar impression of the game.

18th Apr
Dragon Ball Z for Kinect trailer shows an interesting game

Namco Bandai announce Dragon ball Z for Kinect

dbzEvery wanted to play a Dragon Ball Z game where you have to perform the moves by hand? Well now you can as Namco Bandai have announced Dragon Ball Z for Kinect and it will be available this October.

12th Apr
Namco Bandai announce Dragon ball Z for Kinect

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor shows how it’s done in new trailer

Steel BattalionHeavy Armor_5-4Capcom have released a tutorial trailer for the Xbox 360 game Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor. The trailer shows off how the Kinect works with the game.

05th Apr
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor shows how it’s done in new trailer

Hands on with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 Kinect

Not long ago I got the opportunity to try out the Kinect feature for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 at Microsoft Ireland. Now let’s see if the feature lands on the fairway or in the rough.

02nd Apr

Kinect and Mass Effect 3 work well together and demo date announced

masseffect3-screenBioware has lifted the lid fully on the Kinect functionality for Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3 in a new video and also the release date for the ME3 demo has been revealed.

18th Jan
Kinect and Mass Effect 3 work well together and demo date announced

Star Wars Xbox 360 Limited Edition Console

Yesterday LucasArts and Microsoft unveiled a limited edition Star Wars Console. But...

22nd Jul

Minecraft with Kinect

Microsoft's Kinect has being setup to work on the video game Minecraft.

31st Dec
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