
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission presentation doesn’t fail to impress

ccgm_screenshot2Bohemia Interactive has released the E3 2012 video presentation of Carrier Command: Gaea Mission. The presentation talks about the story, how the game works, combat and more.

27th Jun
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission presentation doesn’t fail to impress

Hatsune Miku vita game might come out in the west

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F-boxartWestern fans of the popular virtual singer Hatsune Miku might be in for some luck as Sega have hinted at the idea of releasing the PS Vita game Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F outside of Japan.

07th Jun
Hatsune Miku vita game might come out in the west

Gorn named as Star Trek enemy

StarTrek_Enemy_ScreenshotNamco Bandai has revealed at E3 that the lizard like Gorn will be the villain in next year’s Star Trek video game.

07th Jun
Gorn named as Star Trek enemy

Assassin’s Creed III goes on a killing spree at E3

Y8Lx4Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed III had a pretty big showing at E3 2012 this year with two impressive looking gameplay demos and a cinematic trailer.

07th Jun
Assassin’s Creed III goes on a killing spree at E3

Nintendo reveal a partial Wii U game line up

Wii-U-GamePadAt this year’s E3 Nintendo revealed a partial list of upcoming games for their new console the Nintendo Wii U. The list includes a large array of both 1st and 3rd party games.

07th Jun
Nintendo reveal a partial Wii U game line up

World of Battleships E3 trailer

worldofbattleships_screenWargaming.net has released a CGI trailer at E3 for World of Battleships which is due out sometime next year. Check out the trailer below.

06th Jun
World of Battleships E3 trailer

FIFA 13 at E3 2012

FIFA13_Messi_avoids_tackle_WMEA Sport’s popular football game FIFA 13 made an appearance at E3 2012 showing off its new Kinect feature and EA Sports Football Club.

06th Jun
FIFA 13 at E3 2012

Sony announce Wonderbook: Book of Spells at E3 2012

11535Book of Spells Box reduced trimEarlier this week at the Sony’s press conference they officially announced Wonderbook: Book of Spells an interactive book created in collaboration with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.

06th Jun
Sony announce Wonderbook: Book of Spells at E3 2012

Tokyo Jungle heading to Europe

20503tokyojungle_01At E3 2012 it has being revealed that Tokyo Jungle the animal based action game for the PlayStation 3 will be heading to Europe.

06th Jun
Tokyo Jungle heading to Europe

Choose who you fight for in the latest PlanetSide 2 trailer

PlanetSide2 New ConglomerateSony Online Entertainment has released an E3 trailer for the upcoming free to play mmofps PlanetSide 2. The trailer focuses on showing off the three playable factions in the game.

05th Jun
Choose who you fight for in the latest PlanetSide 2 trailer

Kingdom Hearts 3D E3 trailer

CTR_AKHP_UKV_inlay.inddSquare Enix has released a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] on the Nintendo 3DS. Check out the new E3 trailer below.

05th Jun
Kingdom Hearts 3D E3 trailer

Tomb Raider E3 2012 trailer

tombraider_The-ReachSquare Enix has released an E3 trailer for Tomb Raider. The new trailer is called ‘Crossroads’ and can be viewed below.

05th Jun
Tomb Raider E3 2012 trailer

Gears of War prequel sees Braid take the lead

gow_judgment_rp_2d_boxshot_fob_pegi_jpg_jpgcopyMicrosoft’s E3 conference saw the first trailer for the upcoming Gears of War sequel called Gears of War: Judgment. Check out the E3 trailer below.

05th Jun
Gears of War prequel sees Braid take the lead

SimCity builds up at E3

Sims Fight Fires[3]Maxis have released a new trailer for SimCity at E3 2012. The new trailer shows off new gameplay and shows how people can work together to build expand your city.

05th Jun
SimCity builds up at E3

Ubisoft reveal Watch Dogs at E3

watchdogs_screen_03tcm2153972At Ubisoft’s E3 press conference they revealed a new IP called Watch Dogs which is an open world game that allows you to hack into any connected system around you.

05th Jun
Ubisoft reveal Watch Dogs at E3