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Reap the reward with new Hawken Reaper update

Yesterday, Hawken released a new update called, The Reaper Update. The new update saw various game tweaks and the release of a new light class mech known as Reaper.

25th Jan

New Hawken gameplay is even more drool worthy

hawken_wallpaperAdhesive Games has released some new gameplay for their multiplayer FPS mech game Hawken. With each bit of new gameplay you can’t help, but get a tiny bit more hyped for the game. Check out the new gameplay below.

19th Mar
New Hawken gameplay is even more drool worthy

Hawken set for a December release

hawken_6-2Indie developers Adhesive Games has announced that their mech shooter will be released in December 12 and the game will be free to play.

06th Feb
Hawken set for a December release

Hawken gets a story teaser

The Adhesive Games the company behind Hawken have released a story teaser...

29th Aug
Hawken gets a story teaser