SGGAMINGINFO » Visceral Games SGGAMINGINFO » Visceral Games

EA shuts down Visceral Games

EA has announced that it be shutting down Visceral Games, the studio behind the Dead Space series and Battlefield Hardline. The studio was developing an action-adventure title set in the Star Wars universe.

18th Oct
Dead Space 3

EA talks about their plans for more Star Wars games

Since EA has exclusive rights to publish Star Wars games, EA talked about some future Star Wars games during their E3 2016 press conference.

13th Jun
Concept art for Visceral's unannounced Star Wars game.

Battlefield Hardline (PS4) review

It is time to become a cop as SG Gaming Info takes a look at the latest addition to the Battlefield franchise, Battlefield Hardline.

25th Mar

Third part of the Dead Space mini-series looks at core gameplay

EA has released the third part Dead Space 3 introduction series, Dead Space: A Journey through Terror. The third episode talks about Dead Space 3’s core gameplay features.

08th Feb

Dead Space 3 demo coming January 22

EA and Visceral Games have announced that a demo for Dead Space 3 will be released January 22 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

01st Jan

EA announce Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

Army of Two The Devils Cartel_2-8EA today has announced the third installment of the Army of Two series, Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel. The new installment will be developed by Visceral Games, the creators of Dead Space.

02nd Aug
EA announce Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel