SGGAMINGINFO » Fractured Space goes free-to-play SGGAMINGINFO » Fractured Space goes free-to-play

Fractured Space goes free-to-play

On May 19, 2016 by Ash Meehan

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Edge Case Games has announced that their online team-based space combat game, Fractured Space (Steam page) has now become a free to play game, with a full launch expected later this year.

Jump In from Fractured Space on Vimeo.


The free to play move comes right on the heels of a massive new update that supposedly enriches the gameplay system. The new update, which is due out later today, includes two new sector maps, two new ships and better game balancing. A brand new Drop System has also being introduced, this new system according to the developers, “offers rewards to players for a variety of in-game activities while simultaneously making the method of acquiring new crew members more satisfying. Twenty additional crew members are now available, doubling the number in the game, and Drop Pods that can unlock new crew members are earned on a daily basis through the completion of games over the course of each day.”

Before the free-to-play move, players had to purchase early-access packs that cost between €9.99 and €54.99. These early-access/founder packs offer skins, XP and credit boosters, premium ships and Platinum, the game’s real money currency.

For a more detailed look at Fractured Space, check out my Fractured Space preview.

For more information on Fractured Space, visit https://www.fracturedspace.com/.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.