Lego Universe takes up a hybrid model
Following hot on the heels of City of Heroes taking up a hybrid payment model, Lego Universe is the next mmo to take up the hybrid model.
New and existing players will have a choice to start/continue paying a subscription fee or play for free.
Free to play users will have access to limited selection of game content, including two adventure zones and one player property area for building their own virtual LEGO models.
While players who choose to pay $10 a month will get full access to the game and additionally 15+ robust adventure zones and instances as well as 5+ property worlds currently in-game, access to new expansions, like major Ninjago content coming later this year, will require players to register for full membership.
Also people who decide to play for free or continue to pay a subscription will be able to get the game for free. So if you are thinking of picking up a boxed copy I think it would be a good idea to hold off for a bit.
This hybrid model for Lego Universe will be available this August.
The question is now with 2 more mmo taking up a hybrid payment model will we see more mmos following it? and if so who.
Author: Ash Meehan
Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.