SGGAMINGINFO » Detroit, brand new Quantic Dream title announced SGGAMINGINFO » Detroit, brand new Quantic Dream title announced

Detroit, brand new Quantic Dream title announced

On October 27, 2015 by Ash Meehan


Quantic Dream, the developers of Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain, has announced Detroit, a brand new PS4 title that asks what it means to be human

Detroit centres on Kara, an android that discovers she can feel emotions and appear sentient. The character of Kara was based off a 2012 PS3 tech demo KARA, which shows an android gaining sentience. On the official PlayStation Blog, David Cage, CEO of Quantic Dream explained why he took the 2012 tech demo and made it into a fully-fledged game, “Many people were deeply moved by this character and felt empathy for this character who just wanted to live. But everyone had the same question: what happens to Kara when she leaves the factory?”

From the above trailer and David Cage’s PlayStation Blog article, we can see that the game is based around how humans would react when confronted with a new form of intelligence.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.