SGGAMINGINFO » Rent a server for Battlefield 3 SGGAMINGINFO » Rent a server for Battlefield 3

Rent a server for Battlefield 3

On April 4, 2012 by Ash Meehan

Ever wanted your own private server on the console version of Battlefield 3? Well now is your chance with the ability to rent a server for the console version of BF3.

Private servers will allow you to make your own custom games for your friends or for the Battlefield 3 community. Owners can ban, assign players the role of server admin which allows them to join any game in the server without having to queue up if it is a packed server. There is many more things you can do like toggle on/off the HUD, infantry only games and more.

For a full break down of what you can do on your rented server watch the video below.

Finally here is the pricing list for the servers.

1 day = $1.49/120 MSP
7 days = $6.99/560 MSP
30 days = $24.99/2000 MSP
90 days = $59.99/4800 MSP

Source: Battlefield 3 

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.