SGGAMINGINFO » Project Highrise: Las Vegas review SGGAMINGINFO » Project Highrise: Las Vegas review

Project Highrise: Las Vegas review

On April 11, 2017 by Ash Meehan

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SomaSim’s Project Highrise: Las Vegas breathes new life into 2016’s Project Highrise (SG Gaming Info’s reviewof Project Highrise) as it adds hotel and resort building and management to the base game, which allowed players to build and manage an apartment block and office block.

While the Las Vegas expansion continues the management structure of the base game, the hotel and resort additions feel fresh and offer more choices than you might expect. For example, while you can just turn your skyscraper into a flashy Las Vegas hotel complete with numerous casinos and flashing lights, you can go the complete opposite route and make a quiet and mundane hotel where companies visit to hold large business conventions and events. Although, if you are like me and can’t decide how to specialise you can throw everything into one hotel and see what happens.

The expansion offers more than just new visuals, as the expansion builds upon existing features as well as creating new ones. The new Las Vegas expansion adds new features that include a new utility in the form of air conditioning (HVAC), the ability to merge floors to create a lobby for welcoming guests (don’t want to forget the front desk though), the ability to book performers for your hotel’s various event venues, and most importantly of all reading the hotel reviews your guests write as the reviews affect your hotel’s popularity, which can affect bookings.

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Like the base game, the building and management of the various aspects of the game are fun, as you balance the expansion of your hotel with the amount of cash you have coming in, after all, you don’t want to expand too fast and bankrupt your hotel. However, the balancing of building and management can get tedious, because just like in the base game, there is a lot of time spent doing nothing as you wait for more cash to come in and building work to finish. Although, while managing income and expenditure can be difficult at the start all you need is a few casinos, increase the rent they pay to 150% and watch the money roll in.

When you get used to building hotels and resorts in Project Highrise: Las Vegas you can try out the new hotel and resort focused scenarios included in the expansion. These scenarios include converting an existing apartment building into a hotel and creating the best gambling hotel in Las Vegas.

When it comes to value for money, I would say the Las Vegas expansion is worth the €6.99 price tag (the base game is €19.99) as it adds enough new content to make the game feel fresh again.


Project Highrise: Las Vegas successfully builds upon the bedrock created by 2016’s Project Highrise, as the expansion-seeing players manage and build a hotel that would make even Las Vegas blush.

SCORE 8.5/10

Pros Cons
+ Manually organising events and shows  – You primarily have to make your own fun 
+ Reviews can make or break your hotel   
+ New hotel focused scenarios   


Developer Publisher Genre Rating Platform Release date
SomaSim  Kasedo Games  Sim  –  PC  April 13, 2017 

*A review code was provided by the game’s publisher.*

For more information on Project Highrise: Las Vegas, visit http://www.kasedogames.com/projecthighrise.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.