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More info regarding Tales of Berseria released

On May 16, 2016 by Ash Meehan

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Bandai Namco Entertainment has released new info regarding Tales of Berseria. The information is regarding new characters and combat.

In terms of new characters, we have Oscar Dragonia and Teresa Linares these two characters are both praetors of the Abbey, the organisation of exorcists. According to Bandai Namco Entertainment, “Oscar is serious in his work but he shows great hostility towards daemons. His elder half-sister Teresa is called the ‘Frozen Queen’ because she carries out her duties without emotion.” Oscar and Teresa are not playable characters.

Besides Oscar and Teresa, a third new character was announced Dyle, a lizard daemon. Not much information was provided on Dyle, although he is said to be a really helpful character.

Moving away from the characters there is news regarding new combat moves and skills that will be featured in Tales of Berseria. Joining the new battle system is an old favourite, Mystic Artes. For those who don’t know, “Mystic Arte are strong special attacks to be executed by consuming Blast Gauge. A player can deal high damage to an enemy which play out with a cool animation to show off this powerful Mystic Arte!”

Outside of the return of the Mystic Artes, there is info regarding character’s skills. As characters level up a player can activate new and hidden skills. According to Bandai Namco Entertainment, “There are lots of different effects that skills can have on a character and two key ways to activate them; the first way is to activate equipment skills and the second is to activate skills that belong to titles.”

For a full rundown of the new Tales of Berseria information, visit the Tales of game blog.

Tales of Berseria will be available in early 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.