SGGAMINGINFO » EA offers some new info on Star Wars: Battlefront SGGAMINGINFO » EA offers some new info on Star Wars: Battlefront

EA offers some new info on Star Wars: Battlefront

On June 9, 2014 by Ash Meehan

At EA’s E3 2014 press conference, EA kicked things off by giving fans what they wanted, information on Star Wars: Battlefront. Unfortunately, there was no concrete gameplay, but there was a vid-doc with some teasers.

If the early in-game footage and DICE’s attention to detail when it comes to movie locations and set pieces than Star Wars: Battlefront might just be worth the wait.

There is currently no release date for Star Wars: Battlefront.

For more information on Star Wars: Battlefront, visit http://www.ea.com/star-wars-battlefront.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.