SGGAMINGINFO » New Mugen Souls assets released SGGAMINGINFO » New Mugen Souls assets released

New Mugen Souls assets released

On July 23, 2012 by Ash Meehan

NIS America have released new assets for their over the top JRPG Mugen Souls. The assets come in the way of over 80+ new screenshots, character art and more.

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Here is a short description of the game from the official NIS America website.

There exists a small galaxy in the universe containing seven worlds, shimmering in seven colours… These worlds exist and act independent of one another. This has allowed them to develop and nurture rich, unique cultures. Then one day, a decree was sent out… “I’m gonna make everything in each of these worlds bow to me!” – The Undisputed Goddess, Chou-Chou. Mugen Souls features a free-roaming battle map, turn-based combat, and massive amounts of customization and growth to maximize the fun players can have with the game.

Also below are some key features for the game. Also please note that the North American and European versions will differ from the original release due to the sensitive nature of some content.

  • Expansive worlds to explore: Travel freely on each world to explore and find treasures and items. Monsters are roaming about, so be cautious or fight them head-on and make them your subservient peons!
  • Free-roaming style battle maps: Use Combo attacks to execute spectacular moves with your allies! Destroy Crystals on the battlefield to activate Hyper mode!
  • Moe Kill: Execute the Moe Kill technique to enslave enemies and turn them into items by exploiting their weaknesses!
  • Customization: Create a full cast of characters! Customizable body parts, facial expressions, and job classes!

Honestly I can’t really tell what is going on in this game, but if the games art style and trailer they released last month is anything to go by it might be fun and pretty over the top when it comes to attacks. Check out last month’s trailer below.

Mugen Souls will be available September for PlayStation 3.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.