Tribes Ascend now out
Hi-Rez Studios, free to play online shooter Tribes Ascend was officially released today. The release build sees a new map, game mode and more added to the game.
The new additions in the release build include a new capture the flag map called Raindance (which is a map that appeared in the original Tribes game), a new game mode called capture and hold and a preview of the of custom server functionality.
To learn more about Raindance and custom server functionality watch the developer diary below.
Tribes: Ascend is the world’s fastest shooter. The game features jetpacks, skiing, vehicles, team-based gameplay, and cutting-edge graphics using Unreal 3 technology. With this official release, the game is available for download directly from the developer at
Author: Ash Meehan
Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.