SGGAMINGINFO » SGGamingInfo is now a year old SGGAMINGINFO » SGGamingInfo is now a year old

SGGamingInfo is now a year old

On March 4, 2011 by Ash Meehan

I forgot to mention this last week on the 24th of February SGGamingInfo celebrated its first birthday.

I can’t personally believe the site has being up and running for just over a year. In the year SGGI has being operating we saw the release of Stargate Resistance and also the fall of the very same game along with the fall of Stargate Worlds. Earlier this year we changed from Stargate games news to full game news and reviews.

We also saw new people join SGGamingInfo in the way of Cranks (contributor), Kadael (Artist and Forum admin) and bahamut8591 (contributor) and they are now working alongside Maddog (contributor) and Aszrayel (Advisor). Each member has given their best to help improve SGGamingInfo over the past year.

So, what is the future for SGGamingInfo?

We here at SGGamingInfo hope that our 2nd year will continue to be a good year. We are also taking your votes from the monthly polls and is providing some good help from you the readers.

Also last month we took a poll about us (SGGamingInfo) attending a convention and if you follow SGGamingInfo on twitter and have seen the E3 logo on the site you will know we will be at that convention in June. At this time we have not set in stone what we will be doing while over there, but hopefully I will be able to reveal what we will be doing this month or next.

Also the latest poll which is asking you the viewer about would you like a podcast. This is something that has being tossed around a lot here in SGGamingInfo and while at this time I cannot say that we will or will not be releasing a podcast, but I am interested in the idea myself so it is possible.

Lastly for the future I am personally working on doing more games reviews. I hope to start this later this month/early April.

Now I must say everything here is not set in stone and is subject to change (well apart from the attending E3).

I am hopeful about the future of the site and I hope you all will follow us into the future.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.