
Codemasters talks F1 2012 improvements

F1 2012_Spa_30Today, Codemasters has released a new developer diary for F1 2012. The diary focuses on the improvements and changes they have made to game which include weather changes, changes to how the cars handle and more.

31st Aug
Codemasters talks F1 2012 improvements

Take a behind the scenes look at Dead or Alive 5

Group_G_01Team NINJA has released the second behind the scenes developer diary called ‘Fighter Chronicles’ for Dead or Alive 5.

30th Aug
Take a behind the scenes look at Dead or Alive 5

F1 2012 set for a September 21st release date

f1_2012_austin_2Codemasters has announced that F1 2012 will be released in the UK on September 21st. To go along with the release date a new developer diary regarding the games new features has being released.

12th Aug
F1 2012 set for a September 21st release date

Tribes Ascend now out

NEWCTF2_Crossfire_01Hi-Rez Studios, free to play online shooter Tribes Ascend was officially released today. The release build sees a new map, game mode and more added to the game.

13th Apr
Tribes Ascend now out

EA Sports talk game modes in FIFA Street

fifastreet_2-2EA Sports has released the second developer diary for FIFA Street which details the various game modes of the game. Game modes range from Futsal to last man standing.

10th Feb
EA Sports talk game modes in FIFA Street

The Secret World gets a developer diary on the secret war

the_secret_world_2Funcom has released a new developer diary documenting the Secret War between all 3 factions in the game.

15th Oct
The Secret World gets a developer diary on the secret war

XCOM developer diary delves into what the game is

2K Games have released a developer diary to explain what XCOM is and how the game has differed from the original game which started back in 1994.

22nd Sep

Final F1 2011 developer diary now out

Codemasters have released the final developer diary for the upcoming racing game...

16th Sep
Final F1 2011 developer diary now out

F1 2011 talks co-op championship

Codemasters have released their newest “F1 2011” developer diary and this time...

08th Sep
F1 2011 talks co-op championship

Funcom gives you a look at The Secret World’s story

Funcom reveals more info on The Secret World's missions and story.

30th May
Funcom gives you a look at The Secret World’s story

New Homefront dev diary

The latest dev diary for the upcoming resistance shooter "Homefront" is now out. It talks about the main characters and the consequences of violence.

07th Jan