SGGAMINGINFO » Temporarily stopping SG Gaming Info SGGAMINGINFO » Temporarily stopping SG Gaming Info

Temporarily stopping SG Gaming Info

On September 23, 2018 by Ash Meehan

SG Gaming Info Logo

As the saying goes, all journeys must come to an end, and so after 10 years, I am announcing that with a heavy heart I will temporarily stop updating the SG Gaming Info website and YouTube page.

My decision to do so is due to a new path that was opened up to me last month, this new path is a new job that I have fallen in love with and need to dedicate a large portion of my time to as it is full-time employment, and while I could easily run SG Gaming Info during my time off, something I tried doing during my previous job, it would mean I would have no time to just relax and recharge my batteries. I think it is important to note that my reason to stop writing hasn’t diminished my love of video games as I still enjoy playing the occasional MMO and story-driven game.

SG Gaming Info has given me a chance to meet people and experience events that I could only dream off. I don’t think I could ever forget my first press pass, my first interview, my first review or any of the friends I made within the games industry and journalism fields. To those, I met and worked with thank you for changing my life.

I’m pretty much terrible at saying goodbye, so I won’t say so long forever, instead I will say see you next time, after all, who knows what the future might bring as SG Gaming Info could return someday or I might start a new venture in the ever-expanding games industry (I hear let’s plays are all the rage nowadays).

In regards to site’s YouTube and social media pages, I have the following announcements. The SG Gaming Info YouTube page will remain intact so if you ever want to watch my videos you can do so for as long as they remain on the platform. The Facebook page will remain online and I will continue to monitor it. The Twitter and Instagram accounts will receive a name change and become my personal accounts (Those who follow these accounts have more than likely seen this already).

For those who want to continue to get an Irish perspective of the games industry, I recommend checking out Game-smack, GamEir, Elite Gamer and The Republic of Players, these four sites are operated by incredible writers whom I had the pleasure of hanging out with.

For the final time, I say goodbye and thank you for your support.

Aaron Meehan
Owner of SG Gaming Info

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.