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World of Warcraft lose 2.9 million subscribers

It seems World of Warcraft subscribers aren't a fan of the game's latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor because during Blizzard's Q1 2015 earnings call they revealed that the number of people subscribing to the MMORPG has dropped from 10 million down to 7.1 million.

07th May
WoW- Warlords of Draenor Cinematic

World of Warcraft subscription numbers drops to 8.3 million

According to Activision-Blizzard, their mmo colossus, World of Warcraft, has lost 1.3 million subscribers in the last three months. World of Warcraft now has 8.3 million subscribers.

09th May
world of warcraft

Star Wars: The Old Republic goes free to play as subs drop again

swtorscreenshot1EA and Bioware’s flag ship mmo Star Wars: The Old Republic is set to go free to play this fall. Shortly after the announcement EA revealed that games subscription numbers had dropped below 1 million.

01st Aug
Star Wars: The Old Republic goes free to play as subs drop again

Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription numbers fall

swtorscreenshot1Bioware’s mmorpg Star Wars: The Old Republic has seen just under a 25% reduction in active subscribers according to its Q4 financial results.

07th May
Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription numbers fall

World of Warcraft subscription numbers stabilizes in Q4 2011

At Activision Blizzard’s Q4 conference call yesterday it was revealed that World of Warcraft’s subscription numbers have begun to stabilize again at the 10 million mark, but it was also revealed they did lose 100,000 subscribers in Q4.

10th Feb
World of Warcraft subscription numbers stabilizes in Q4 2011

World of Warcraft bleeds more players

At yesterdays Activision Blizzard investors conference call it was revealed that World...

04th Aug

EA looking at implementing EA Sports subscription service

EA are planning to implement an EA Sports subscription service.

23rd Apr
EA Ganes Subscription service