Be more than an army in Assassin’s Creed Origins live action trailer
Today, Ubisoft has released a brand new Assassin’s Creed Origins live action trailer, which shows it takes more than one man to defeat an empire.
Today, Ubisoft has released a brand new Assassin’s Creed Origins live action trailer, which shows it takes more than one man to defeat an empire.
Ubisoft has released an interesting live action trailer for Far Cry Primal, the trailer rewinds through humanity's history of conflict from the future back to the stone age, the period the game is set in.
To create hype for next week's Destiny: The Taken King - third Destiny Expansion - Bungie and Activision has released a brand new live-action trailer for the game.
Activision and Treyarch have today released a new Black Ops 2, Uprising DLC trailer featuring actors Pete Stormare and J.B Smoove.
Activision has released a new Blacks Ops 2 live action trailer. The trailer shows off some the multiplayer component of the game and features actor Robert Downey Jr.
The third episode in the live action Halo webseries Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn is now out via Machinima Prime.
The first episode of the live action Halo series “Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn” has premiered on Friday (Oct 5) via the Machinima Prime YouTube channel.
THQ has released a live action film for next year’s Russian based post-apocalyptic game Metro: Last Light. Check out the live action video below.
Ubisoft has released the live action prequel to Ghost Recon Future Soldier called Ghost Recon Alpha. You can check out the 24 minute video below.