SGGAMINGINFO » Gamescom 2012 SGGAMINGINFO » Gamescom 2012

EA Gamescom 2012 trailers

ea-logoEA has released new trailers for various upcoming games at Gamescom 2012. The trailers are for Crysis 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter and Army of Two: The Devils Cartel.

17th Aug
EA Gamescom 2012 trailers

Real-world dramas to feature in FIFA 13

fifa13_messi_2_wm-scEA Sports has announced a new feature for FIFA 13 called EA Sports Football Club Match Day. This new feature will connect FIFA 13 to real world, with real world dramas been translated into FIFA 13.

17th Aug
Real-world dramas to feature in FIFA 13

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance release date revealed

GC_002_FixAt this year’s Gamescom Konami has revealed that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be released on February 19, 2013 for Xbox 360 and PS3. Konami also released a new trailer for the game.

16th Aug
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance release date revealed

Four new brand new PlayStation titles unveiled

playstationlogoAt Gamescom 2012 Sony has announced four brand new titles for both PS Vita and the PlayStation 3 called Tearaway, Puppeteer, Rain and Until Dawn.

16th Aug
Four new brand new PlayStation titles unveiled

Take the power in the latest PlanetSide 2 trailer

planetside2_Screen_NCfpjumpjetsSOE has released a new trailer at Gamescom 2012 for their upcoming free to play mmofps PlanetSide 2.

16th Aug
Take the power in the latest PlanetSide 2 trailer

The Gorn attack in the Star Trek Gamescom trailer

StarTrek_Screen_BruteParamount Pictures and Namco Bandai have released a new trailer and screenshots at Gamescom for next year’s Star Trek video game. The trailer and screenshots focus on the Gorn the reptilian like enemy of the game.

15th Aug
The Gorn attack in the Star Trek Gamescom trailer

Command & Conquer free to play announced

command_and_conquer_free_to_playLast year EA announced Command & Conquer Generals 2 at the VGA, but now Generals 2 developed has being scrapped and the game has been transformed into a free to play game called Command & Conquer.

15th Aug
Command & Conquer free to play announced

Some Tomb Raider Gamescom screenshots

9236hunt-to-eat-copySquare Enix has released some screenshots for Crystal Dynamic’s reboot of the classic game featuring of everyone’s favourite female archaeologist Tomb Raider.

15th Aug
Some Tomb Raider Gamescom screenshots

Take a look at a real reborn

4245FINALFANTASY_XIV_ARR_PUB_22At this year’s Gamescom Square Enix has released some new screenshots and concept art for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. According to Square-Enix the new concept art and screenshots reflect the changes made to the online.

15th Aug
Take a look at a real reborn

Europa Universalis IV announced

Europa_Universalis_IV_PreAlpha_Screenshot_04Paradox Interactive’s award winning strategy franchise Europa Universalis returns with the newly announced Europa Universalis IV. The new game offers a host of new features as you attempt to conquer the world in Q3 2013.

14th Aug
Europa Universalis IV announced