Global Fan Festival for Final Fantasy XIV announced
Today, Square Enix has announced the inaugural Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Fan Festival.The first European festival will be held in London in October 2014.
Today, Square Enix has announced the inaugural Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Fan Festival.The first European festival will be held in London in October 2014.
Want to try out Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s Guerrilla mode? Well on May 27th you can as Ubisoft have organised Ghost Recon: Future Soldier co-op event in Dublin.
Well the Gaming Event in Waterford City last Friday has come and...
While at the G4X Gaming Event in Waterford City I had a chance to sit down with the managing director Richard Anderson and discuss that past, present and future of the company.
Today saw the release of the first Rugby game in 4 years...