12 “new” Stargate Worlds images
12 new Stargate Worlds images. 10 images of various planets and 2 images of praxis female armour.
12 new Stargate Worlds images. 10 images of various planets and 2 images of praxis female armour.
Dark Comet Game have sent out a questionnaire to all people who signed up to the newsletter.
An explanation of the website load problems that have happened today.
With the release of the new SGR launcher in the new patch Dark Comet games let us know how it works by showing us what the source code should look like for launcher skin.
Dark Comet Games have teamed up with Neutralvibe marketing company to help increase the marketing potential of Stargate Resistance.
Press release from the Stargate Resistance developers Dark Comet Games. About all the new features that have being added to Stargate Resistance as well as other mentions from Jim Brown Studio Head at Dark Comet Games
Once again the official Stargate Resistance website has undergone a small change. The planets page has now being replaced by a Global Domination page but the planet info is still there on this new page.
A few days ago some Stargate Resistance fans have found a way to mess around on the login screens map which was shown to be a map back in the April Stargate Resistance trailer.
The New Commando model has now revealed itself on the Stargate Resistance website.
Rank and achievement pages added to the Stargate Resistance website and updates to existing SGC and System Lords faction pages.
The first part of SGGamingInfo's Stargate Resistance information updates have being added. Be sure to check out all the nice new updates from Achievements to classes.
Dark Comet Games have released a new Stargate Resistance community web kit. It features a Stargate Resistance flash advert and art from the game along with other nice stuff.
Once again Ian “Zainea13” Zainea, has come to the attention of SGGaminginfo...
Here is a roundup of what was said in the QA chat...
Yesterday saw the Replay IRC live QA chat with the developers of...