SGGAMINGINFO » Microsoft’s HoloLens looks mind blowing SGGAMINGINFO » Microsoft’s HoloLens looks mind blowing

Microsoft’s HoloLens looks mind blowing

On June 15, 2015 by Ash Meehan


Microsoft managed to wow audiences at their E3 2015 press conference earlier today with a live virtual reality demo featuring their HoloLens device.

The demo consisted of showing how the device allows users to interact with Minecraft, by allowing users make a 3D model of the map literally rise up out of table and allow the user to interact with it.

However, I don’t think just typing about it would give the demo justice, so here is a video of the full HoloLens demo (thank you to Kotaku for recording it).

If you sceptical on device (and scepticism is important) here are two screen grabs of table with one through the eyes of the HoloLens and one without the HoloLens.

minecraft_Hololens2 minecraft_Hololens

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.