SGGAMINGINFO » Sony E3 2014 press conference (Finished) SGGAMINGINFO » Sony E3 2014 press conference (Finished)

Sony E3 2014 press conference (Finished)

On June 10, 2014 by Ash Meehan

Now it is time for Sony to sign us off for the first day of E3 2014 press conferences.

All times are in GMT

2:02 – Sony’s press conference has begun

2:04 – Destiny kicks off Sony’s conference.

2:07 – Destiny trailer offers some backstory

2:10 – Destiny beta will begin first on PS4 on July 17

PS4 owners will have a chance to take part in the alpha from Thursday

White PS4 to be bundled with Destiny in September 9th.

2:12 – New IP coming up

2:12 – It is The Order:1886. Gameplay trailer now playing

2:16 – Wow, The Order: 1886 trailer looked rather bland

2:17 – Entwined announced

2:19 – Entwined is now available on the PS4 store. It will also be released on PS3 and Vita

2:20 – First piece of stand alone DLC announced for Infamous: Second Son

2:20 – Infamous: First Light standalone DLC announced

2:21 – LittleBigPlanet 3 for PS4 announced

2:23 – LittleBigPlanet 3 features  numerous new characters each with their own unique ability.

2:28 – LittleBigPlanet 3 will be released this November

2:29 – New IP coming up

2:30 – bloodborne for PS4 announced, developed by From Software

2:31 – It will be released in 2015

2:33 – Now it is time for Far Cry 4

2:35 – Far Cry 4 gameplay video now showing

2:38 – Now for some co-op gameplay. Player 2 flies in makeshift helicopter giving you ground support

2:39 – If you own either a copy of PS3 or PS4 your friends can play alongside you even if they don’t own the game.

2:40 – New Deep Silver zombie game

2:43 – It is Dead Island 2

2:43 – PS4 users will be getting a Dead Island 2 beta exclusive

2:44 – PS4 version of Diablo 3 will be getting a “Last of Us” themed dungeon

2:45 – New Battlefield Hardline trailer

2:45 – Disney Infinity exclusives

2:46 – PS version of Destiny will get exclusive content like maps and scenario.

2:47 – Paradox Interactive have teamed up with PlayStation to bring Magicka 2 to the PS4

2:49 – HD Remastered version Tim Schafer’s Grim Fandango is coming exclusive to PS Vita and PS4

2:51 – Now for a collection of indie games that will be making their console debuts on the PS4

2:52 – The Talos Principle is one of the games

2:53 –  PS4 exclusive by Suda 51, and of course it looks insane

2:54 – Announced: Let it Die coming exclusively to PS4 in 2015

2:56 – Giant Squid announce ABZU, will make its console debut on the PS4

2:58 – No Man’s Sky will make its console debut on the PS4

3:01 – Wow, in the game you can go from exploring planets to fire fights in space

3:03 – Now for some hardware information

3:03 – Mention of the PS Camera gets a few laugh

3:04 – Project Morpheus will be at E3

3:07 – Time to talk PlayStation Network

3:07 – Tons of stats regarding PSN and PS4

3:08 – YouTube is coming to PlayStation 4 later this year

3:09 – Talk about interacting with live streams on the PS4

3:10 – 25 new free to play game coming to PS4 over the next 12 months. This includes Planetside 2.

3:12 – trailer showing of various free to play games on PS systems

3:13 – PS4 version of “PlayStation Now” open beta will be available in US and Canada on July 31st

3:15 – We want more games

3:19 – PlayStation TV coming to EU,USA and Canada this fall. It will cost $99.

3:21 – Now playing. First look at Mortal Kombat X

3:24 – Now for entrainment news.

3:26 – Original series, Powers coming to PS4

3:27 – Wow, after a great start Sony really is dropping off during this conference.

3:30 – Powers will be released in the US this December

3:30 – PS Plus user will be able to watch the series for free

3:31 – Ratchet and Clank movie trailer

3:33 – Original Ratchet and Clank coming to PS4

3:33 – The Last of Us  for PS4 trailer

3:34 – Now showing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer

3:39 – Grand Theft Auto V coming to PlayStation 4. It will be released this fall

3:40 – Gameplay video for Batman: Arkham Knight

3:46 – Gameplay is interrupted by Scarescrow

3:47 – Final gameplay video for the day is a brand new Uncharted game from Naughty Dog

3:49 – Uncharted 4:A Thief’s End announced. It will be released in 2015

3:51 – Sony’s press conference is now over


Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.