SGGAMINGINFO » Sony responds to the PS4 blinking blue light issue SGGAMINGINFO » Sony responds to the PS4 blinking blue light issue

Sony responds to the PS4 blinking blue light issue

On November 18, 2013 by Ash Meehan

It looks like the PlayStation 4 is having some launch day gremlins with the “blinking blue light” issue. This issue basically renders the PS4 useless. Thankfully Sony has released a guide that may fix the issue.

The guide, which was posted the PlayStation US forums states that the blinking light indicates one of four issues (that Sony are aware off). These issues are: TV compatibility, issues with PS4 power supply, issue with PS4 hard drive and issues with other PS4 hardware.

The guide seems easy enough to understand, and hopefully it will fix the issues that people are having. With that said if the guide doesn’t work Sony are offering customer support .

While it sounds like this issue is widespread, Sony has stated that the issue effecting less than 0.4% of units shipped to date.

The reveal of this issue unfortunately overshadows a great launch for Sony’s new console, which saw 1 million PlayStation 4’s sold on its first day in the United States.

With the PlayStation 4 being released in Europe on November 29th, I wouldn’t be surprised if more than a few customers will be holding their breath as they turn on the their new console.

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.