SGGAMINGINFO » PC version of Agarest: Generations of War gets a release date SGGAMINGINFO » PC version of Agarest: Generations of War gets a release date

PC version of Agarest: Generations of War gets a release date

On September 17, 2013 by Ash Meehan

Ghostlight has announced that Agarest: Generations of War will be released on PC via Steam on October 3rd. If you are interested you can pre-order the game now with a 20% discount and free DLC.

The pre-order version of Agarest: Generations of War will cost €15.19 and receive seven free DLC packs. After the game is launched the game will cost €18.99. You can pre-order the game over at http://store.steampowered.com/app/237890.

To follow up on the announcement, Ghostlight has released a new trailer and a selection of screenshots.

The PC version of Agarest: Generations of War, which was handled by Laughing Jackal will feature full mouse and keyboard support, maintained full gamepad support, added Steam achievements etc.

Official description of Agarest: Generations of War:

At the dawn of time, a terrible war raged between the forces of good and evil, ending in the destruction of the world of Agarest. After their victory, the Gods of Light unified the decaying bodies of the Gods of Darkness and created a new world.

Now, the forces of darkness are awakening once again…

Choose the path of Darkness or Light through a truly epic story, spanning multiple generations.

Battle hundreds of different creatures using an array of character abilities, in a compelling and innovative turn-based combat system.

Build your ultimate army of warriors and master Extra Skills, Special Arts and Over Kills to defeat colossal enemies!

Unite with your chosen heroine and use the “Soul Breed” system to shape the fate of the next generation of heroes.

Source: Ghostlight blog

Author: Ash Meehan

Hi, I’m the creator of SG Gaming Info. When I’m not working on my writing or creating content for this site’s YouTube channel, I like to relax and enjoy character driven story games.